The correct way to fix a broken usb flash drive

The correct way to fix a broken usb flash drive

 veryone is having a problem that USB flash does not work or that it does not work on the computer.


but the truth is that this problem has several reasons that we will explain to you today and that most of these reasons are due to misuse.


You may also be ineligible to fix this issue if: B. USB flash Kingstom doesn't work at all when problems occur and can only be solved by themselves.


80% of these problems are mostly in software because it is possible that usb flash was disabled due to viruses or malicious programs destroyed USB flash software by connecting it to a computer with viruses or a defect in the usb flash system led to its destruction or that you removed it from the entrance during the process of transferring files or during the process of formatting and therefore usb flash will not work and sometimes harm the device itself.


the other reason for this problem is due to a defect Normal can be fixed in USB flash by phermmet or software work for usb flash and we will explain this topic in detail in his article soon.


the other reason for this problem is the inability of the computer itself to read usb flash data and therefore the problem is in the device itself is not in usb flash fergie usb flash experience on more than one computer with care that USB flash does not have viruses harmful to the devices so that you can detect the problem specifically.


Here comes the hardest problem is a problem in hardware and this problem happened due to the fall of USB flash in water or collect dust and dust in USB flash and in this case you can clean usb flash and it can work but if it is cleaned and also will not work unfortunately this USB flash will not work at all and you will have to ask to fix it from the company and also you will not be able to recover the files that were on USB flash.


also from other problems related to b hardware that it is possible that there is a problem in the computer entrance which leads to not reading usb flash data and therefore it will not work.

Advice to keep USB flash

First, do not connect usb flash to a computer with viruses, second keep usb flash from dust and dust and watch out for exposure to water.


thirdly be careful then be careful not to remove USB flash from the computer entrance during the process of transferring files or during the process of formatization.

With Regards



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